Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Nowadays, there is negative dynamics in climate change on the planet. It indicates a deficit in measures of climate adaptation changes both at the national and global economic levels. The purpose of the research is to form the requirements for assessing the effectiveness of addressing climate adaptation challenges in terms of the new Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation as a key factor in ensuring international competitiveness in modern conditions. Those based on theoretical and methodological analysis, as well as the challenges and prospects of adaptation to climate change at the national economy level. The novelty of the results concerns with the substantiations based on the requirements of the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation, an approach to assessing the effectiveness of national economy adaptation to climate change as a key factor in ensuring international competitiveness. The practical significance of the results obtained considers the possibility of their use in assessing the effectiveness of national economy adaptation to climate change in accordance with the requirements of the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation.
adaptation; climate change; key factor; ensuring international competitiveness
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