The structure of students' personal competitiveness as a determinant of target setting formation in academic educational process
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Competition in the labour market provides the need for training specialists with both developed personal qualities and special professional knowledge, skills, and abilities. Competence and competitiveness are the fundamental qualities to achieve success at the beginning of their professional activity. Therefore, the study of personal competition in the system of higher professional education is very relevant. The issue of student professional competitiveness remains the one of the most important problems existing in education. It concerns with the logic of educational cognition and represents the driving force of personality development. However, the development of professional competitiveness cannot exist separately from personal development without individual's need for effective, purposeful activity. Therefore, self actualisation dwells on realising creativity and intellectual potential. Professional competitiveness is also effective mastery of knowledge and methods of working. Therefore, there is a need to develop personal competition skills in the process of studying at a university. The article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the structure of competitiveness of university students and empirical substantiation of ways to improve the quality of personal competition skills, readiness to form a professional activity strategy in accordance with the objectives of academic educational process. The main task is to identify the relationship between the conditions of the local labour market and the target settings of the university's educational process in terms of university graduates competitiveness. The object of research were 1st-4th year students (Bachelors' Programme in Economics), Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, Kostroma, Russia and 1st-4th year students of Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl, Russia (Bachelors' and Masters' Programmes, all institutes). We conduct a research by a survey using a Google form, the total sample size – 600 people.

labour market; personal competition; personal competition skills; target orientation; personality development; work activity
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