Рим, Италия
с 01.01.2015 по настоящее время
Ярославль, Ярославская область, Россия
The article analyzes the problem of gaining technological sovereignty in terms of formational and civilizational approaches. The paper highlights the stages of Russia’s acquisition of technological sovereignty: from economic - through scientific and technological - to technological one. It initially interpreted as import substitution (less often - as proactive import substitution), later - as the creation of its own competitive technologies. According to this stage, the purpose of forming technological sovereignty acquired the status of a priority for the domestic national economy. The author gives definition of technological sovereignty as an economic category. Namely, the expanded reproduction of technological self-sufficiency based on the design, implementation, and development of key technologies in an open-closed economic system. On the one hand, the author highlights the necessary conditions for the competitiveness of the «technological sovereignty of Russia» project, and refers to them those that ensure the simple reproduction of Russia’s technological self-sufficiency, or its survival in a hybrid war. On the other hand, author substantiates the sufficient conditions for the competitiveness of the project named above. Moreover, those should ensure the expanded reproduction of Russia’s technological self-sufficiency, or its development in a hybrid war. As a result, author comes to the conclusion that despite the importance of creating the necessary and sufficient conditions, the implementation of the «technological sovereignty of Russia» project does not guarantee the successful innovative development of industries without appropriate institutional and economic conditions for their modernization.
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