Problems of forming a competitive strategy for the development of the sharing economy ecosystem
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The article analyzes a new socio-economic phenomenon - the "ecosystem of the sharing economy". The authors consider a fundamentally new structure of this phenomenon in terms of the positions, links, and interactions of all participants of the sharing economy. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of forming a competitive strategy for the development of the ecosystem of sharing economy. The authors highlight the main challenges of collaborative consumption ecosystems, and identify practical competitive strategies of the sharing economy to achieve sustainable development. The authors use the example of the French economy to examine the challenges of institutionalizing the collaborative consumption economy. As a result, the authors found that market players need to build models of sharing economy ecosystem functioning to further development and implementation of a competitive strategy. The authors also revealed that platform managers need to develop new capabilities and facilitate interactions between ecosystem players to ensure a competitive strategic position in the sharing consumption market.

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Список литературы

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