Analysis of the human capital contribution indicators to the regional economy efficiency (on the example of the Central Federal District regions)
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Аннотация (русский):
The paper considers the contribution to the development of human capital through the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, indicators of the national projects being implemented in Russia, macroeconomic indicators of economic efficiency of Rosstat. The contribution of human capital to the economy, based on the Sustainable Development Goals, can be considered through indicators of labor productivity, physical and value volume of gross domestic product per capita, the share of the added value of the "Manufacturing" industry in the gross domestic product of Russia, the share of high-tech and knowledgeintensive industries in the gross domestic product. The purpose of the article is to reflect the contribution to the development of human capital in the indicators of the implemented national projects, in macroeconomic indicators of economic efficiency used by Rosstat, in the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals. To analyze the factors of labor productivity at the mesolevel, the indicators of human capital contribution to the efficiency of economic development of regions. The article characterizes the National Project "Labor productivity and employment support" in the Ivanovo region. The results of regional studies of labor productivity are summarized. On the example of the regions of the Central Federal District the dynamics of gross regional product per capita, the index of the physical volume of gross regional product, the level of labor productivity, the number of issued patents, developed and issued advanced production technologies, the volume of innovative goods, works and services are analyzed.

Ключевые слова:
Список литературы

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