Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The liberal concept of neoclassicism cannot be a fundamental construct for the new economic thought being revived in our country. It does not take into account the interests of those economic entities and people who find themselves unable to compete, also for objective reasons, with their more powerful rivals. According to the liberal conception, the fate of the uncompetitive people is death from poverty, hunger, disease, disasters, etc. In order to improve this issues in the world economy, the author proposes measures to improve global economic policy in favour of enhancing the competitiveness of developing countries. The future of Russian society largely depends on an objective reflection of reality in scientific generalizations, concepts and theories, including those of domestic economic science, so the demand for the latter is beyond any doubt. It will happen the sooner the top leadership of our country understands that the theories of economic regulation created in the USA and Western European countries are not suitable for Russia. It is because the position of Russia among the countries of the world economy ranked by production costs is worse, «lagging» than that of the USA and Western European countries.

Ключевые слова:
competitiveness, liberalism, neoclassicism, extinction psychology, non-equilibrium approach, non-equilibrium model, pricing, law of large numbers, inter-country differential rent, trailing country, World Rent Redistribution Fund.
Список литературы

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