Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The article considers the problem of developing a methodology for express assessment of investment attractiveness of territories of a region in conditions of incomplete information about the indicators for assessing the territory or the complexity of their formalisation. We use the methodology based on an expert assessment of the macroeconomic factors of the region and their processing using the tools of the hierarchy analysis method by T. Saati. The study allows for a sufficiently reliable numerical assessment of the attractiveness of individual territories in the region and the construction of a scale of their priority. The study dwells on the steps involved in assessing the investment attractiveness of a site by means of hierarchy analysis and proposes the basic criteria for assessing the territories of the regions. It contains the examples of the construction of pairwise comparison matrices. The paper makes conclusions on the integral indicator data, and a competitiveness (priority) ranking scale of territories is constructed based on the objective set. The express methodology of assessing the investment attractiveness of the territory presented in the article allows to analyze and assess the factors of the territory, justify the decision-making in conditions of uncertainty of the assessing factors, develop an integrated indicator of competitiveness of the analyzed territories of the region, make a rating scale of their priority for the investment prospects and development plans of the territory.
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